This is truly “The times that try men’s souls.”
The sign of a truly great country and a genuinely great people is their ability, to recover their balance after a devastating attack, and mend, while keeping their democratic values alive. No matter how many dictatorships are arrayed against US, no matter how many traitors to our ideals try to chain US; We Will Overcome.
We owe it to the generations that come after US and to all those we’ve betrayed. It won’t appease those that we’ve wronged. Their anger is just.
It will take generations to climb back into the good graces of our Friends and Allies. We must act humbly and burying once and for all, our self weening pride in a history myth that hides our barbarism. We must be honest with ourselves and all those who are willing to associate with US. I believe that we are truly a great people with a long caring history ahead of US. If we choose it.
Don’t despair. Seek out the horror of this moment and embrace it. Fear is a powerful stimulant, harness it. Allow the pain of these times to settle in your hearts and feed your mounting determination. A hard fight is a head and calculated patience is necessary. It is time for us to, “Gird ourselves for war.”
We will use the Rule of Law like a scythe to cut down the brutal and corrupt. We will use our democracy, no matter who tries to kill it, like a great axe to chop down the strangling vines of lies and deceit. And, we will use our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and our belief in the innate goodness of human beings, as arrows in our quiver. No matter what enemy approaches us, they will be struck down by the arrows of a free and caring people.
Our enemies will regret their attacks on US.