The reality show, called the State of the Union, was the most frightening thing I’ve seen in my life and I’ve lived through the Cold War, the assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King, the Vietnam War, Nixon and Watergate, Ronald Reagan’s’ Iran-Contra crimes, 9/11, rise of the Terrorist Threat, the rise of gun violence, numerous economic recessions, a near crash in 2007-8, and more. However, last night was worse by far.
The State of the Union was one long reality show with game show stunts “Come on down Rush Limbaugh.” And the blatant manipulation of our emotions. As when one soldier is reunited with his wife and family because of Trump’s self-serving order for his early return from deployment. This is after he put our military in greater danger with his destructive policies that gave comfort to our adversaries and insulted our allies.
While this charade went on, the Radical Republicans, beamed and applauded deliriously. The only things missing were the Nazi’s “Sieg Heil” and the Fascist salute.
I have always wondered how a group of people could be convinced to enthusiastically cut their own throats. The State of the Union was a cheap reprise of 1934 and I shuddered. Now I know.
The Senate acquitted Trump and saying, in essence, that HE is the State, above the law, and any action he takes to ensure his election is okay. The rest of us, including his supporters, don’t count.
For me the scariest moment was when he labeled Democrats and Liberals as Socialists. He was clearly laying out who are the real Enemies of the State. Once again, a salute to NAZIs and Stalinists.
Sadly, Trump’s supporters and some of the public licked it up. The ignorance of Americans about their own history and simple political definitions is astounding; ignorant people are easily manipulated.
Here are what folks need to know.
Socialism is an economic system and has nothing to do with the type of government in power. Think about Capitalism and how it is employed differently in countries like Russia and China which have different forms of Capitalism. In America, Democratic Socialism, often simply called “caring,” has been part of our history since the first colonists. It is an integral part of American political thought. Democratic Socialism means that people have the power to accept or reject programs intended to benefit some or all Americans through our existing democratic republican government. People decide through voting on which programs and reforms support the common good. All of us are beneficiaries of Democratic Socialism. For example:
- The US Military is a democratic socialist organization both in its intent, to protect the nation, and its implementation. Our taxes pay for service-members’ housing, food, healthcare, and after service, education. Since World War II, our military has been instrumental in promoting the integration of all Americans into common service.
- The Veterans Administration, like our military, is a product of democratic socialism. The VA exists through taxes paid by the American people. We know that those who protect us need and deserve life-long medical and psychological care.
- Social Security exists because the American people understand that it is wrong to leave people who have contributed to our society without the support of a safety net. Social Security taxes by those who are fortunate to work provide security during old age and those with disabilities. Its purpose is to protect all Americans from destitution and abandonment.
- Medicare and Medicaid are intended to protect the health of America because our security depends on a healthy population. The American people understand that we all need and deserve a health safety net.
- The Federal Highway System is the result of democratic socialism. Americans, through their taxes, provide the resources to build and maintain our highways. Critical arteries that connect all of us and promote commerce, mobility of all citizens, and national security.
- Other democratic socialist efforts are our multilayered infrastructure. Uniform regulations ensure better water and waste systems that improve public health. Airports, like highways, improve commerce, our personal mobility, and security. The Corps of Engineers looks after our ports and waterways, preventing floods, improving commerce, travel, security, and more.
- The National Weather Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are socialist projects. Funded by our taxes, these organizations, and others, study the weather and provide information that protects crops, lives and property. Our insurance rates are determined by insurance companies using weather information to predict risks and costs across our nation.
- The National Institutes of Health whose purpose is to study diseases, public health and then implement programs to protect us from illness and death.
- The Environmental Protection Agency, much maligned by some who don’t understand the links between clean water, air, and land with disease and illness. The EPA also studies the very real climate change crisis. The EPA protects us from industrial and societal pollution that can injure or kill us. Until recently, the EPA has protected all of us by protecting our common heritage and improve our environment and health.
- Locally, Democratic Socialism has shaped our lives for the better. By using our taxes to support public schools, hospitals, fire and police services, libraries, and city services like parks, sports venues, trash, and water, we improve our quality of life and security.
These organizations add value our communities and nation. Again, the resources needed for these necessary services come from taxes, which we create and regulate using our democracy. This improves our common good, also called our commonwealth.
Democratic Socialism has been here with us since the beginning of the Colonies. Our ancestors and founders understood that the welfare of a group depends on the welfare of its members. This is knowledge that has been handed down since prehistory. The Puritans, Quakers, and all most all others embraced the concept of “noblesse oblige.” Those that have look after those that have not. That includes defense, food, and stability. Until recently, in the US, the message of Christ teaches that we all help those in need. Everyone is included, even the lowliest and most wretched.
It is common, in the US, for our religious groups to receive tithes or gifts for the express purpose of helping others. The membership agrees to fund helping of others. That is the spirit of Democratic Socialism.
Our American form of Democratic Socialism expresses the values that have made the US great. It ensures that all of us are protected from enemies, diseases, weather, environmental poisoning, assistance in times of need, the Rule of Law, and the participation of all citizens in our Democracy. Democratic Socialism has been part of America since the beginning. The next time someone goes off about Socialism, remember that in the United States, we have our own unique, Democratic Socialism. It has contributed to America’s greatness and well-being throughout our history.