Secrecy Is Killing US

You Don’t Need To Know.

Here are today’s frightening US statistics: 81,000+ Americans dead from the virus. confirmed cases 1,392,000+, new cases reported yesterday 6,533. another way to think about this is our place in the world. We have 4% of the world population, 33% of confirmed cases, 25% of new cases, 28% of total deaths, and 19% of daily new deaths. We’re Number 1!

These figures are why I call the President of the United States a cold blooded killer. So too are those who support and enable him; his administration and elected officials at all governmental levels. Also guilty are the families that provide the lies and misinformation distributed by Fox News and the right-wing media and blogosphere. The evidence is clear. What convinces me this is true is his secrecy. People keep secrets because they’ve done something that they’re ashamed of, illegal, immoral or unethical. The President feels no shame. His secrets are used to shield him from being accountable for the terrible things that he has done.


This morning the Supreme Court heard arguments whether Trump’s personal financial records could be subpoenaed. In an historic action, the audio of the proceedings was carried live on numerous news feeds. From the legal debate it was clear that some issues of secrecy are complex and require thought about the Court’s decisions and how they may be used by a future President or Legislature.

However, that’s not the type of secrecy I’m thinking about. This secrecy is straight forward, a matter of right and wrong, although it sets an ugly precedent. I am concerned about the loss of our transparent government. Our government where its decisions and actions are visible to the all of us and where we have the ability to comment and debate openly: a government By the People and For the People. This is the path our nation has been has been forging for over 200 years.

Since the founding of the US, there has been a tug or war between openness and secrecy. But secrecy had lost out until the Cold War and then 9/11. Fear of being attacked was used to enlarge surveillance of all Americans. At the same time, a curtain of secrecy was lowered, hiding decisions and actions that, traditionally, had been public’s right to observe and debate. Today, Trump has taken secrecy to the extreme. He is killing Americans and trying to hide the truth.

The Weapon

COVID-19 is the weapon. Trump’s silencing of our government denies us the facts and information we can need to be safer. Facts that we paid for and deserve. He has refused to implement COVID-19 testing, lying that anyone can get a test if they want, when there is a massive national shortage of test kits. This is intentional lying as he blocks the collection critical data that we need.

Testing provides accurate data on the spread and severity of the virus. Without this data it is impossible to effectively slow its spread, determine and buy sufficient supplies and distribute them to where they are most needed. Trump has ignored and hidden valuable medical analysis and advice of our government’s experts. Instead, he misleads us. He refuses to provide the information that can use to become more knowledgeable, allowing us make informed decisions for ourselves. Making things worse, Trump offers extremely dangerous advice that increases the risk of illness and death for all Americans.

Trump has used FEMA to interfere with the ability of hospital’ and state health departments to purchase tests and medical supplies. He refuses to allow our government to do its job and then hides or lies about his actions. Using secrecy and withholding information, Trump has emasculated our government’s medical and scientific organizations, whose expertise would be valuable tools for protecting our health and environment.

Knowledge is power

Knowledge gets thing done. Secrecy favors those in power. Hiding actions by the government and critical scientific facts are the trademark of the Trump government. Deny us the facts and we can’t effectively protect ourselves from either the virus or Trump’s government. Denying access to vital information is both the crime and the admission of guilt.

Trump’s blocking our government’s ability to do its job is resulting in a knowledge desert, where he pretends to know it all, while undermining efforts to provide facts and a reality check. About 30% of Americans are willing to accept this deception, even though it threatens the well-being of all Americans.

Trump and his political machine are like the lifeguard at the beach who sees a man struggling in the waves. His job is to go in after the desperate man or, at the very least, throw him a life preserver. Trump refuses to go in the water and hides the life preserver. All he does is yell at the drowning man, telling him he’s not drowning and that he needs to swim into deeper water.

Knowledge Destroys Lies

The only way to fight this fatal delusion is by collecting evidenced-based facts that we then use to become knowledgeable.

Science is data that leads to knowledge and results in action. Or, If it gets measured. It gets done.

Science accurately measures the situation and provides evidence-based data. Scientific analysis uses reason and procedure to create knowledge. This leads to actions that save lives through the development of effective practices, materials and vaccines. If we can measure the pandemic, we can beat it.

The Elite and The Inferior

What motive could justify allowing the virus to spread and get worse? Power, wealth, and vengeance come to mind.

Trump uses secrecy, distraction, confusion and division to remain in power. The more opposition to Trump, the greater the secrecy. The object is to maintain power at all costs. At all costs.

The people most at risk and most often hospitalized and dying are the poor, people of color, elderly, infirm and incarcerated. The vulnerable are the people deemed a drag on society, and less important. These unimportant human beings rely on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and SNAP. They are the prisoners locked away in jails and prisons. They rely on our taxes to live.

These inferior people also pose a political threat. Many of these dispossessed are likely to vote against the Trump and the Republicans. As our situations worsen the more likely we will vote against the people with the secrets.

These are the people considered inferior and expendable by the powerful, who prefer secrecy over openness.

The powerful elite can’t let that happen. Voter suppression, already rampant in some states, is conducted with secrecy and lies. By circumstance, the virus now offers more opportunities to suppress voting.

America Back To Work, Regardless The Cost

The Reopen America movement, another lie with grave consequences, is quietly supported by big businesses and wealthy individuals who share an ancient illness; they believe that they are the Elite and intended to rule, while we are the Serfs, disposable worker bees They are entitled to lead the rest of us because we are unable to understand the complexities of their corrupt world.

We are used to keep the gears of the economy turning. We make and buy stuff that generate profits and its attendant power. Created by our efforts, our futures flow up to enrich Our Betters. Sometimes, like now, the economic machine slows. Then our deaths, in the tens of thousands is required to grease its gears, bringing the machine up to speed and resuming feeding the Elite.

The US was founded to end the oppression of a similar ruling elite in Britain. Immigrants from across the world came here to escape the injustices and inequality imposed by their elites. One of the greatest prizes of our Revolution was the idea of an open government that allows the governed access to the workings of government and the ability to participate in its governing.

Today, the Elite, of which Trump is one, and their Republicans are pushing hard to take us back to a time they were entitled and able to do as they wished They want us to be their Serfs once again. \

What is happening today is cold blooded murder. We are the victims.

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COVID-19 Self-Quarantine Day 9

COVID-19 Etiquette – Social Distancing

Earlier this morning, I was reflecting on my first 9 days of self-quarantine. What started it was when I put my P46 thermos cup in the cupboard. Since I got that cup, it has never been out of its special spot, where I’d see it every morning as I went out the door.

COVI-19 has placed a burden on many people, forcing them to change daily routines, working, socializing, and lifelong habits. I am extremely lucky.

I worked from home for decades, I’m used to the routine. Then my wife died 8 years ago and I’ve been batching it ever since. I’m an only kid, so I grew up entertaining myself. Being an only child had some odd benefits. I had lots of solitary time that required and I developed an imaginative and inquisitive mind. Too much so, some folks have told me. I also spent more time with adults than with my peers. I learned to talk and socialize as an adult. My folks taught me important values like, all people are equal and deserve respect, honesty is the key to character, respect is hard to earn and and easy to loose, no matter what you do – do your best, the job doesn’t make the man, those that have share with those that don’t and, importantly, be your own man and think for yourself.

So, the greatest hardship that COVID-19 has imposed on me is nothing compared to what others are experiencing. I stopped going daily to my favorite spot, Patisserie 46. (Wah, Wah, Wah) Typically, I’d spend 2-3 hours writing and drinking great coffee and eating pastries that were works of art. Most importantly, I’d spend a lot of my time talking with friends who would stop by. I met many interesting people with fascinating stories.

This prepared me for the rest of my day.

As I said, I am extremely lucky. In a manner of speaking, I grew up preparing for something like this pandemic.

The American Psyche Is Wearing Thin

I worked for 9 years in psychiatric institutions and was a foster parent. I have seen what domestic trauma can do to people. I am gravely concerned. Besides physical injuries children, particular, are scarred for life. They are set on a path of a diminish lifetime and more hardships. In some cases, the abused become the abuser and a generational pattern begins.

Already, there are reports of the effects on families caused by self-quarantine and mandatory lock down. In China and Europe there has been a noticeable increase in divorces and suicide. At the same time domestic violence and child abuse are increasing.

Families in the industrialized nations are more fragmented than those living in traditional societies. We Americans are busy working, going to school, joining or volunteering for after school activities, self-improvement, and faith and social service organizations. We are not prepared to live closely with our families for extended periods of time. Being on vacation for two weeks is nothing compared to being together 24×7 for an indefinite time.

The stress we are experiencing is compounded by worries about work, finances, is there enough food, health, and loss of the routines that keeps each of us grounded and focused. This is the perfect storm of uncertainty that can push many people into despair.

To counter my isolation I am doing several things. I’m developing a call list of family and friends who I call or, at least, text on a regular basis. This provides me with the socialization that I need to feel connected. Also, by reaching out I am showing that I care about them. To make things more intimate there are services like Skype and Zoom that allow video calls. I’ll be honest, I haven’t done this yet but plan to this week.

I make a point of getting out-of-doors. It’s important to get outside, even if it is sitting on the back steps, to breath fresh air, take time for yourself and decompress, and remember that the world is much larger and more interesting place. Take time to soak in the natural world and marvel at how special the mundane can be. Walking or biking with friends appears to be safe, so long as you keep a safe distance from each other.

While I have routines that haven’t changed, I am looking to create new routines that help ground me. You can schedule time for fun activities with family and friends. Offer support to each other. Schedule personal time to honor you. Another routine that is important is getting fully dressed. A few days of Casual Friday are good, but personal hygiene and making yourself presentable can reinforce self -esteem.

And remember, as we live though the Big Pause you now now have time to do things that you’ve been wanting to do. If you are interested in a hobby now is a good time to try it. Local hobby shops may be closed but online shopping should be available. This is the time to challenge yourself. Learn to cook, bake or garden. If you’re not much of reader, now is the time to try it, at your own pace with subjects that interest you. It’s also a good time to learn new games like Scrabble, Chess, or one of many that are online. If one of your kids is a gamer, learn to play with them. You may need to suspend judgement in some cases. And, there is always cards.

Avoid drinking or getting high too frequently or at all. In confined and crowded spaces alcohol and drugs tend to alter behavior for the worse, particularly as time goes on and the end is out of sight.

If It Gets Too Much For You

There are hotlines on the phone and the web. Reach out. There is no shame in this. These are very unusual times and needing to talk to someone isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s a demonstration of self-awareness and self-care. The same goes for other family members. Don’t judge yourself or them. It’s just being smart and respectful to those around you.

If you or someone around you is at wits end, call the emergency services. These hard times will pass, and suicide robs you of a better future. Get help quickly.

You are not alone. The entire nation is in the same boat. Now more than ever, many understand what you’re going through and provide support. Likewise, you can help others, which adds meaning to your life.

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Spring 2020

When there’s a Winter, there is a Spring.

We missed the Vernal Equinox, the first day of Spring. We were scurrying around, under the heavy overcast of disease and deceit. It passed unnoticed, the beginning of renewal, the Phoenix rising from the Ashes, a time for hope.

In Spring a young man’s fancy turns to:

  • Love, nope, Social Distancing.
  • Baseball, no way, Season’s Canceled.
  • Having a beer with the bros; sorry Charlie, all the Bars and Restaurants are closed.
  • Masturbation, ain’t going to happen, Wash Your Hands and Don’t Touch Your Face.
  • Social Media, Gaming and Netflix. Bingo we have a winner, welcome to Spring 2020.

Oh wait a minute, that’s a typical day for guys, social media, gaming and Netflix. And, there are the thousands of young people at the beach swapping bodily fluids and STDs. Turning themselves into COVID-19 drones heading home to infect their parents, grandparents and friends. Oh to be stupid and irresponsible.

Life is complex. It’s one big SNAFU: Situation Normal, All Fucked Up.

However, it is Spring, the time of rebirth and change.

We have just escaped the grip of a harsh winter and now face a Spring with a raging pandemic, continuing destruction of our environment, and a frightened and divided society.

And the point is?

This past winter was a blizzard of lies, conspiracy theories, and a continuous storm of corruption. The winds of deception came fast and furious, allowing us little time to regain our balance and push back.

This was our Winter of Discontent leaving us discouraged, feeling powerless and, perhaps hopeless. This Winter appeared bleak and lifeless.

However, Winter is the womb of Spring. Unseen, life progresses. In the natural world. Some plants and seeds need to freeze to prepare them to sprout when Spring’s warmth returns. Some animals hibernate, sleeping in their burrows, safe from the pitiless weather outside. Invasive species are killed or weakened by the intense cold, making them more vulnerable to the returning sun and warmth.

The Trump Administration’s blizzard of deceit combined with the media’s penchant for bad news has obscured the American reality. Weathering this disheartening tempest, the American Dream persists and grows stronger under the snow and howling winds.

Paradoxically, by fighting the contagion, it exposes social, economic and environmental injustices. Our actions to protect ourselves from disease also require that the injustices be address, too. COVID-19 has sped up our Spring of Change.

Failures to address COVID-19 by the Trump government has renewed the American spirit. Across the America people are coming together to fight the pandemic. In addition, Americans are organizing to push back and reassert the Rule of Law, stopping businesses and individuals who willing to harm us for their profit, and energizing the call for social, economic and environmental justice.

Ignored until recently by the short-sighted media, numerous groups, government, civic and grassroots have been forming across the country. They are comprised of citizens, charities, educators, business and government leaders, religious communities, environmental and social justice groups and others. These alliances are working at the local, state, regional and national levels to inform Americans of the threat we face and how we can protect ourselves from the disease, corruption and mismanagement destroying our our faith in each other and our country.

Spring is here and we need to fully engage. It is time to sprout and blossom. A good start is to inform ourselves through reputable, fact-based information sources. Also donate to organizations fighting the contagion and other worthy causes. Next, talk with others and, if possible, volunteer to help. Both have the power to renew our spirits and empower us. We are not alone, individual islands in a vast sea. There are tens of millions of us sharing the same concerns and wanting to restore our nation.

We don’t need to be powerless or without hope.

As certainly as there was a Winter, so now there is Spring.

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Greetings in the Time of COVID-19

I respect your Humanity and the presence of the Divine and Infinite in You.
I Greet the Divine and Infinite In You.

I’ve been thinking about how we greet each other in this time of contagion. I’ve also been thinking about how politically divided we are. Apparently, I may have too much time on my hands.

I’ve seen people hug, shake hands, elbow bump, foot tap, and look awkward. Obviously fleshly contact isn’t a good idea. The bump and tap look outlandish, like something a guy would think up while watching a football game. It means nothing and it’s a bit too Bro for me.

This morning, at the Patisserie, a number of people stopped by to chat and we all looked at each other bewildered. How could we greet without looking foolish. How could we transmit the warmth we feel without physicality?

My friend Scott came to the rescue. He suggested using the traditional greeting found in many Asian cultures. We’re all familiar with it. It’s called the Wai by Buddhists and Farang by the Thais. Simply put your palms together while looking at the other person. To show respect, bow your head a bit. The deeper the bow, the greater the respect. I think we Americans would prefer a casual nod.

So why is the Wai a more personal greeting? It’s an ancient gesture with an honored tradition. It conveys a deeply personal feeling. The Wai recognizes that all of us have been created by God and that every person carries a divine spark. When you meet someone, you by perform the Wai to acknowledge the Divine that is present in the other.

It seems to me that the Wai is a perfect universal gesture. Religious sects could adopt this gesture while maintaining their teachings. Atheists could use it to express how we are all part of an infinite universe, evolved from the same primordial quantum mists.

Politically, the Wai is neutral. It goes way beyond political divisions. It recognizes the humanity in each of us. What would happen if, when opposing rallies meet, rather than yelling at one another, everyone took a moment to respect the humanity/divinity in each of us?

Perhaps we could move beyond personal animosity and begin to discuss our shared concerns, opening the door to dialog and problem solving.

So from now on, I’m greeting people with the Wai.

To all of you, I greet your humanity and your spark of the divine and infinite.

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EPA Approved COVID-19 Disinfectatnts

EPA’s  Registered  Antimicrobial  Products  for  Use  Against 
Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the Cause of COVID-19 

This list was released 03/03/2020 and can be found on YouTube or as a PDF document on the EPA site.

RTU – Ready To Use, DILUTA – Dilutable

Registration Number Product
Formulation Type 
1677-226 VIRASEPT Ecolab Inc RTU *
1677-249 KLERCIDE 70/30  IPA Ecolab Inc RTU 
1839-220 SC-RTU  DISINFECTANT  CLEANER Stepan Company RTU 
1839-248 Stepan Spray  Disinfectant  Concentrate Stepan Company DILUTABLE 
56392-7 Clorox Healthcare®  Bleach Germicidal  Cleaner Spray Clorox Professional  Products Company RTU 
5813-105 Clorox Multi Surface  Cleaner + Bleach The Clorox Company RTU 
5813-110 Clorox Pet Solutions  Advanced Formula  Disinfecting Stain &  Odor Remover The Clorox Company RTU 
5813-111 Clorox Disinfecting  Bleach2 The Clorox Company DILUTABLE 
5813-114 Clorox Performance  Bleach1 The Clorox Company DILUTABLE 
5813-115 Clorox Germicidal  Bleach3 The Clorox Company RTU 
5813-21 Clorox Clean Up  Cleaner + Bleach The Clorox Company RTU 
5813-40 Clorox Disinfecting  Bathroom Cleaner The Clorox Company RTU 
5813-79 Clorox Disinfecting  Wipes The Clorox Company WIPE 
5813-89 Clorox Toilet Bowl  Cleaner with Bleach The Clorox Company RTU 
67619-12 Clorox Healthcare®  Bleach Germicidal  Wipes Clorox Professional  Products Company WIPE 
67619-16 Clorox Commercial  Solutions® Toilet  Bowl Cleaner with  Bleach1 Clorox Professional  Products Company RTU 
67619-17 Clorox Commercial  Solutions® Clorox®  Clean-Up  Disinfectant Cleaner  with Bleach1 Clorox Professional  Products Company RTU 
67619-21 Clorox Commercial  Solutions® Clorox®  Disinfecting Spray Clorox Professional  Products Company RTU 
67619-24 Clorox Commercial  Solutions® Hydrogen  Peroxide Cleaner  Disinfectant Clorox Professional  Products Company RTU 
67619-25 Clorox Commercial  Solutions® Hydrogen  Peroxide Cleaner  Disinfectant Wipes Clorox Professional  Products Company WIPE 
67619-29 Saginaw Clorox Professional  Products Company RTU 
67619-30 GNR Clorox Professional  Products Company RTU 
67619-31 Clorox Commercial  Solutions® Clorox®  Disinfecting Wipes Clorox Professional  Products Company WIPE 
67619-32 CloroxPro™  Clorox® Germicidal  Bleach Clorox Professional  Products Company DILUTABLE 
67619-33 Clorox Commercial  Solutions® Clorox®  Disinfecting Biostain  & Odor Remover Clorox Professional  Products Company RTU 
67619-37 Clorox Healthcare®  VersaSure® Wipes Clorox Professional  Products Company WIPE 
67619-38 CloroxPro™ Clorox  Total 360®  Disinfecting Cleaner1 Clorox Professional  Products Company RTU 
6836-278 BARDAC 205M-  14.08 LONZA, LLC DILUTABLE 
70627-24 VIREX™ II / 256 Diversey, Inc. DILUTABLE 
70627-56 OXIVIR Tb Diversey, Inc. RTU 
70627-60 OXIVIR™ WIPES Diversey, Inc. WIPE 
70627-72 Avert Sporicidal  Disinfectant Cleaner Diversey, Inc. DILUTABLE 
70627-74 OXIVIR 1 Diversey, Inc. RTU 
70627-77 Oxivir 1 Wipes Diversey, Inc. WIPE 
85150-1 PURELL  Professional Surface  Disinfectant Wipes GOJO Industries, Inc. WIPE 
88494-3 PEAK  DISINFECTANT North American  Infection Control, Ltd RTU 
9480-10 Sani-Prime  Germicidal Spray Professional  Disposables  International, Inc. RTU 
9480-12 Sani-Cloth Prime  Germicidal  Disposable Wipe Professional  Disposables  International, Inc. WIPE 
9480-14 Sani-HyPerCide  Germicidal Spray Professional  Disposables  International, Inc. RTU 
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GI Bill: A Crash Course in American History

For years I’ve heard the indignant screams of self-proclaimed patriots bellowing about how some people, for some irrational reason, don’t deserve certain benefits or respect bestowed to those other Americans who have “earned” them. These patriots have a growing list of privileges that other folks don’t deserve.

One wet petard is about how the G.I. Bill should only be given to G.I.s, because no one else deserves it. I seriously doubt that all but a small handful of these angry people have a clue why the GI Bill was created and passed into law.

What Motivated the Passing of the GI Bill?

To be certain, there was a national wave of pride and gratitude for our returning military. Many of whom would carry the physical and emotional scars of World War II for the rest of their lives and require services for that long. So too has every service member that has stepped into harm’s way defending our nation and values from WWII to now and Iraq and Afghanistan.  Just a few weeks after D-Day, 1944, the GI Bill was enacted. It has served our military and nation well for 76 years.

But the Bill wasn’t just the act of a loving, grateful nation. It was a carefully crafted economic plan to keep our returning soldiers busy until the massive civil shock caused by these millions of battle-hardened men returning to Peacetime America. An America that during the war had employed millions of people who had been excluded from the decent paying jobs in the national workforce: women, people of color and poor. All these people finally experienced what they had been denied for centuries; self-reliance, prosperity and self-respect.

It was going to take years to re-integrate our troops into a modern economy. To do this it would be necessary to push the wartime workforce back from whence they came, 2nd class citizenship.

For a short while this attempt would partially succeed. But in the long-term fail because many Americans had experienced a society that offered greater reward. They were, and remain, determined to become Citizens equal in name, rights, and opportunities.

The world had significantly changed. Business was exploding and millions of educated men were needed to be the cogs and gears of the new 20th century Capitalism. So, they were provided education, healthcare, decent cheap housing that could be bought with government backed loans and well-paying jobs. 

Why would the American Capitalist System do such an altruistic thing? History has repeatedly shown us that it wouldn’t. Something forced business and government to act benevolently. It was fear.

In the past, returning armies, victors and vanquished placed an immense strain on society. If the troops weren’t put to work and earning a living, things could get ugly fast. When Russia stopped fighting in WWI the returning troops joined with several revolutionary groups, primarily the Bolsheviks and took power in Russia. In Germany, the rise of Hitler was another clear lesson of what an idle Army could do when ignored.  

However, American Capitalism was on the threshold of an historic economic explosion. It couldn’t afford to have anything obstruct reaping enormous profits. The GI Bill was first, a defensive economic move to protect profits. Then came altruism.

How Effective Is The GI Bill?

It has been a great success, providing resources for military members to advance in life and create prosperous lives. The Bill has worked far better than anyone could have imagined.

A few months ago, the issue of sharing with the general public, services similar to the GI Bill resurfaced. The immediate reaction by some was that only service members who had earned them through sacrifice were entitled. This argument surfaces periodically.

This time it started when Representative Ilhan Omar (MN, DEM) quoted a Veteran who had said that he thought GI Bill services should be expanded to everyone. This set the Republican’s hair on fire. Then they wheel out the old trope. You must earn them in some sacrificial way.

 As always, they missed the point completely.

What did the GI Bill do for America? It gave millions of Americans, who otherwise wouldn’t have had, the resources to reintegrate into a fast-changing America. They then could pursue their American Dream. Returning Veterans have provided a steady flow of educated and energized people ready to contribute to America.

So why wouldn’t we want to expand a proven, successful program to all Americans? Wouldn’t our nation become even more successful if all Americans have the tools that they need to prosper and pursue their happiness? Imagine the dynamic America we would have.

Who Pays for It?

Predictably, the big squawk is, “Who’s Going to Pay for It?” Which, I am certain translates to, “Why do I have to pay for someone else?”

We are! We always do! Where is the mystery in that?

The point is, what do we get in return? Damn little since the idle rich use Capitalism to soak up all the wealth that we create by working. What we can have, if we take the time to seriously consider the idea and enact it, is a much safer, healthier, happier, more prosperous nation and world. Not perfect. But a hell of a lot better than now.

Remember, currently, we’re all paying for the train wreck around us now.

Edited for clarity 03/02/2020.

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