What Sweetness From Salt

It’s 2 fer Friday and here is my first offering.

What Sweetness From Salt, is a collection of the poetry by Francine Conley.  It is a soulful compilation of 24 poems, written over the last 10 years. Each was chosen because it contributed to the others, building a powerful experience.

Francine Conley
photo by Virgil Delegard

Francine has been an acquaintance for many years. I met her through friends and have received occasional updates on her complex life. I knew that she was an artist, a poet and performer of one woman shows. But I never took advantage of the times that she was in town, sharing her talents.

Last night, contrary to my rigid behavior, I spontaneously went to hear her read selections from her new book, What Sweetness From Salt. The title compelled me to go. I don’t read poetry. I’ve only been to a reading twice in in my life. It is my loss that I have not allowed myself the pleasure of the spoken word and the richness of experience and wisdom that a well-crafted poem can provide.

Over the years, since Becky’s death, my world has contracted, withered to just a few blocks. Spontaneity was banished. It disrupted my well-ordered cocoon. However, over the last few months I’ve been reinventing myself, slowly dismantling the shell that has tightly embraced me, protecting but also stifling. Last night, I tore down more of my self-imposed armor.

Francine’s poetry was my reward for breaking out. It is a treasure of language, emotion, and wisdom. It’s not a light and frothy read. Rather, it is an exploration of how the sweetness of life can be discovered in the salt of pain.

I bought her book after the reading. Again, another break with the old me who never read poetry. This morning, sitting at my worktable, outside the darkness was a solid thing, I started to write this blog, pen and paper.

Later, when I got to the café, for my morning coffee and conversation, I found it empty, tranquil. I read her first poem, Eve’s Dilemma, methodically, inspecting for structure and metaphor. But the words refused to let me intellectualize and turn it into a safe abstraction. I read it a second time and then read it aloud. I’m captured.

When I began to enter my draft into the computer, I quickly threw it aside. I had to start again. Trusting in my talents and newfound spontaneity. This page is the product.

You must have guessed that I highly recommend, What Sweetness From Salt.

More about Francine Conley

She is an accomplished artist who has, among many things, earned a Fulbright Grant to study theater in Paris, published in numerous prestigious American poetry journals, traveled for years performing her work and performed with a French speaking theater troop and co founded the Rabble Writers Collective.

For more about Francine Conley and her work, go to;  

Now for the commercialism

Artists must eat too.

What Sweetness From Salt

If you live in the Twin Cities you can find her book at Moon Palace Books, 3032 Minnehaha Avenue, Minneapolis, 55406, Moonpalacebooks.com.

It is also available from her publisher, finishinglinepress.com.

And from the ever looming Amazon.com.

Following in a few hours will be post number 2; Intent.

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We Are A Great People If We Defend Our Fellow Man and Democracy

Les Phillips

This is truly “The times that try men’s souls.”

The sign of a truly great country and a genuinely great people is their ability, to recover their balance after a devastating attack, and mend, while keeping their democratic values alive. No matter how many dictatorships are arrayed against US, no matter how many traitors to our ideals try to chain US; We Will Overcome.

We owe it to the generations that come after US and to all those we’ve betrayed. It won’t appease those that we’ve wronged. Their anger is just.

It will take generations to climb back into the good graces of our Friends and Allies. We must act humbly and burying once and for all, our self weening pride in a history myth that hides our barbarism. We must be honest with ourselves and all those who are willing to associate with US. I believe that we are truly a great people with a long caring history ahead of US. If we choose it.

Don’t despair. Seek out the horror of this moment and embrace it. Fear is a powerful stimulant, harness it. Allow the pain of these times to settle in your hearts and feed your mounting determination. A hard fight is a head and calculated patience is necessary. It is time for us to, “Gird ourselves for war.”

We will use the Rule of Law like a scythe to cut down the brutal and corrupt. We will use our democracy, no matter who tries to kill it, like a great axe to chop down the strangling vines of lies and deceit. And, we will use our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and our belief in the innate goodness of human beings, as arrows in our quiver. No matter what enemy approaches us, they will be struck down by the arrows of a free and caring people.

Our enemies will regret their attacks on US.

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If I Were President, also, Being A Farmer

This is 2 for 1 Monday.

Another perfect day in paradise.
I woke up this morning replaying in my head a conversation I had a few days ago with some buddies.

If I Were President

Some friends and I were hashing out the world’s problems over coffee (cofefe?) and, because I am the farthest to the left, getting educated about other points of view. I’d said something about having the wealthy pay their fair share, along the lines of what Bernie suggests.

One of these greybeards asked, “Okay, if you were President, what would you do?” He politely left out “smart ass”.

I replied, “Promptly go out and find somebody more qualified.” It’s not a new thought, many folks have said something similar before. But that’s essence.

We need a President who is knowledgeable and aware that he/she doesn’t know everything. That they need the council of wise folks which they gather around them and consult regularly. The President would install as Secretaries and Directors of our Departments and Courts, wise people with the necessary experience and a compassionate nature.

Everyone around the President, including the Chief him/herself, would view their period in government as a time of service to America and Democracy. They would feel honored to be trusted by the American people. They’d be dedicated to leaving a better America and a sounder Democracy than when they arrived.

And, supposing I were the President, after getting someone more qualified in the Oval Office, I’d salute the American people, the folks in government service, the Judiciary, House and Senate, and our Military.

Then, I’d get the hell out Dodge.

I’m a Farmer, Sort Of

My forty acres isn’t a patch of land. It’s a virtual place with endless fields, forests, rivers and skies. Nonetheless, I plant, tend and harvest a crop that is nourishing and needed around the world.

I’ve always been someone who mulls over ideas. I get pleasure holding an idea to the light, turning it over and over, trying to find all its sides, using questions and what if to loosen the soil. I discover its good-bad-ugly elements and determine if the idea is a seed that I want to plant.

Ideas are living things.

An idea has been described as a contagious virus, able to use the host’s mind to take root, replicate and disperse to other hosts. They can fail to thrive and die, killed by other ideas the host carries. Ideas fight hard to defend themselves.  Depending on the environment of the host’s mind, fertile or toxic. An idea, healthy or unhealthy can be destroyed by the host’s defenses. If an idea is virulent it causes disease and pain, eventually destroying the host. If benign, it lives symbiotically within the host’s mind. The host, using curiosity, experience, and creativity, tends to the idea’s growth and health. When it reaches maturity the host harvests it and delivers it to the world; either by refining and taking it to market or by letting it be caught by the wind and spread hither and yon.

A worthwhile idea spreads like wildflowers, colorful and vibrant. A destructive idea is like a swarm of locust, leaving the land colorless and bare.

Farmers don’t farm to simply make a living. They love what they do. They are called to farming, otherwise making a living wouldn’t be enough to justify the effort they put in. Farmers love the land, sky, weather and effort. They love growing things.

That’s why I liken myself to a farmer. I love tending ideas, evaluating if they’re worth my effort, accepting them into my fields, and nurturing them through their growth, keeping alert for disease and heavy weather, harvesting and sending them on their way. 

How do I make a living with an idea?

I am rewarded with “Ah Ha” moments. My world becomes more comprehensible, the beauty around me brightens, and the colors are richer and more vibrant. This is what kept me alive when working tiresome, unrewarding jobs. It is what kept me alive through periods of grief and depression.

How good a farmer am I? Damned if I know. But I’m still here enjoying those special moments of understanding, discovering more about myself and my fellow earthlings, and exploring this wondrous world and universe.

I am extremely fortunate to live in these historic, chaotic, and stressful times. Under these conditions, ideas grow everywhere and they need care and weeding. It is an Age of Bumper Crops.

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Heaping Abuse on a 16 Year Old Idealist

It’s not nice to pick on people younger and smaller than you.

After a brief Facebook conversation, concerning Greta Thunberg, with folks not of my political persuasion, I thought I’d wander the Blogiverse to see what other people, critical of Climate Change Science and the urgency to do something about it, had to say about what Greta said.

A few posed thoughtful questions, such as where do we get the money to do all that is, supposedly, required? And, what about all the gas powered tools like chainsaws, what about motorcycles, what about car collectors? Will gasoline be totally abandoned? And what I think is the most critical, what about all the people that will loose their jobs as both fossil fuel and the machines that use it are phased out?

Like I said, thoughtful questions that deserve thoughtful answers. In future posts I’ll try to find the answers for them.

And then …

There are folks who didn’t talk problems and solutions but rather took to name calling and conspiracy theories.

All that anger and vitriol aimed at a 16 year old student. It was intense. Most attacks fell into a few categories; her appearance; she is an agent of George Soros or the Freemasons or the Illuminati or the vast dark world order; and, my favorite, she embodies the evil of the Democrats and Liberals.

Break out the smelling salts, I think my following comments will cause those of weak heart to swoon.

Of the three, I am flattered to be included with the EVIL Liberals. Particularly, if trying to save the climate and the lives all children; All Children. If that is evil, along with universal healthcare so every one can be healthy, and free education for everyone who wants to attend a local school to learn a trade or prepare for college, or state universities, then;

Pleased to meet you. Have you’ve guessed my name?

Greta’s appearance? Seriously? Several times I saw her compared to those cute little Nazi girls with Nordic faces and their braided blond hair.

She’s a Nazi because she wears her hair in a style that has been around for 10’000s of years? The Nazi’s represent a genuine evil that has been around for a long time. But hair styles don’t make you evil or a Nazi. They make you cute. As I mentioned to one woman critic with a comely face, “When you were 16 and wearing braids, I bet all the boys wanted to Goose Step with you.” I try not to mention Trump’s hair. It is unfortunate and not attractive, but it’s his head. If he wants to wear a rotting carp on his head, that’s up to him. I wouldn’t sit near him, but it’s head.

And then, she’s agent of a secretive organization, run by George Soros, that wants to rule the world. If you’ve got a problem with Soros take it up with him. Here’s a paragraph from his bio page, I warn you, he sounds like the Devil himself,

“Under his leadership, the Open Society Foundations have supported individuals and organizations across the globe fighting for freedom of expression, accountable government, and societies that promote justice and equality. The foundations have also provided school and university fees for thousands of promising students who would otherwise have been excluded from opportunities because of their identity or where they live.”

Did I mention that he is worth about $8 billion or that, over his life he has donated $32 billion supporting freedom of speech, justice and education? He’s given way 4 times more money than he has kept for himself!

The man is a blight on humanity.

As for Greta being an agent for some mysterious cabal, like the Freemasons or Illuminati or the dark World Order. That’s not very creative.

The Freemasons have been a target of churches, political parties like the Nazis and Communists and now the Republicans. Well, my dad belonged to the Masonic Order, aka Freemasons. I was a DeMolay, which was like the Mason’s Boy Scouts, but we got to wear cool capes. The Shriners, those guys that wear the red fez and drive ity-bity cars in parades and who support a network of children’s hospitals are all Masons. The bad press about the Freemasons is a centuries old smear campaign by religious groups, political groups, and leaders who did not care for their inclusive peaceful message.

As for the Illuminati? I’d sooner believe that space aliens are secretly orchestrating world dominion. I know that it is true because I’ve seen pictures of Aliens with the last 6 presidents on the cover of one tabloid or another.

The dark World Order? If that means the United Nations and other organizations promoting peace, harmony and better life for everyone, I’ve got Breaking News. They’re not dark. They have been in the daylight since conceived. These are things most people on the planet want; Peace, Opportunity, Freedom from Hunger and Disease and a government that is truthful, trustworthy and genuinely interested in everyone’s well-being.

Gee, it sounds like Hell to me.

But do you know what really gets my chaps in a bundle?

All the vicious crap directed at a 16 year old girl. She’d be a sophomore in a US high school. Yet, there are adults, some old enough that they should have a little class, call her filthy names, suggest terrible things, and in all regards show no respect towards a young person who has legitimate concerns about the fate of the world. A 16 year old idealist drives the Trumpets nuts.

At least when I heap hot steaming shit on someone they’re an adult with a few miles on their tires. As for Trump, so what? He’s thrown enough shit around that it would make a chimpanzee blush.

I ask, what are you afraid of? Christ, you guys buy guns and parade around with pistolas on your belts.

What about the people that support him, whether it’s voluntary or coerced, I ask them, you; what’s the matter? After all the crap he has unloaded on the rest of us, you’ve continued to support him. I’m not surprised you have thin skin. It is exactly what I’d expect from someone who is insecure, and fearful. It is a sign of pain.

I suggest that we talk about it. Perhaps there are less contentious ways to address make the world less insecure, safer, and less painful. And, there is therapy and yoga. I’m not kidding. Learning about yourself and others makes the world a less stressful and more rewarding place.

I want to part on a note of reconciliation. Peace be with you, in your hearts and souls. There is a beautiful loving world out here and you are invited to join in.

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Greta Thunberg’s Righteous Anger and Our Shame

I am ashamed.

Just three days ago, one of the most profound and powerful speeches in human history was delivered at the Climate Summit held during the United Nations 74th General Assembly. It wasn’t spoken by some sage, it wasn’t handed down by a President or great world-leader, it was spoken by a 16 old girl, a student from Sweden, Greta Thunberg.

Within 5 minutes she laid bare the life or death struggle all of humanity faces; the failure of we who have created this catastrophe, to take responsibility for this wanton destruction; to aggressively fix the existential threat we have made; and then place this burden on the shoulders of our children , expecting them to save themselves and to clean up our filth.  We, the adults of the world who can make a difference, should be ashamed.

But Greta says it so much better that I can. It is her message, from her generation, to we who came before and have failed so miserably.

Below is a video of Greta’s speech. It speaks truth to all of us who could and should have done so much more but didn’t

Greta Thunberg, 

“My message is that we’ll be watching you.

“This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you!

“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I’m one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!

“For more than 30 years, the science has been crystal clear. How dare you continue to look away and come here saying that you’re doing enough, when the politics and solutions needed are still nowhere in sight.

“You say you hear us and that you understand the urgency. But no matter how sad and angry I am, I do not want to believe that. Because if you really understood the situation and still kept on failing to act, then you would be evil. And that I refuse to believe.

“The popular idea of cutting our emissions in half in 10 years only gives us a 50% chance of staying below 1.5 degrees [Celsius], and the risk of setting off irreversible chain reactions beyond human control.

“Fifty percent may be acceptable to you. But those numbers do not include tipping points, most feedback loops, additional warming hidden by toxic air pollution or the aspects of equity and climate justice. They also rely on my generation sucking hundreds of billions of tons of your CO2 out of the air with technologies that barely exist.

“So a 50% risk is simply not acceptable to us — we who have to live with the consequences.

“To have a 67% chance of staying below a 1.5 degrees global temperature rise – the best odds given by the [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] – the world had 420 gigatons of CO2 left to emit back on Jan. 1st, 2018. Today that figure is already down to less than 350 gigatons.

“How dare you pretend that this can be solved with just ‘business as usual’ and some technical solutions? With today’s emissions levels, that remaining CO2 budget will be entirely gone within less than 8 1/2 years.

“There will not be any solutions or plans presented in line with these figures here today, because these numbers are too uncomfortable. And you are still not mature enough to tell it like it is.

“You are failing us. But the young people are starting to understand your betrayal. The eyes of all future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us, I say: We will never forgive you.

“We will not let you get away with this. Right here, right now is where we draw the line. The world is waking up. And change is coming, whether you like it or not.

“Thank you. “

Every American should heed these words and take them to heart. It is our moral responsibility and duty as parents to take this message with the urgency that it deserves and provide the resources that are needed. Otherwise, WE feed OUR children and future generations into a climatic meat grinder where they will have no hope of escape.

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Invisible People, Invisible Work


Kevin and Jay Collecting Yard Refuse

I’m re-posting this article from 2013. Things have changed in the last 6 years and I thought I’d revisit what I was writing then. I found that what I wrote then is still pertinent. My new comments are at the end.

A couple of days ago I was taking my trash out when the garbage truck pulled up. It’s getting towards the end of the lawn cleaning season, before winter settles in. They were picking up the last lawn refuse. I grabbed my camera and walked with them as they went down the alley. This is what I learned.

Kevin, Jay and a third man who was driving the truck had been on the route since 6 a.m. and now it was mid-morning. The truck was almost full, meaning that it was carrying about 9 tons of waste. Because they were picking up bagged lawn debris they couldn’t use the truck’s hydraulic lifts and had to to manually lift and throw them into truck’s maw.

The bags have a 30-gallon capacity and their weight can vary dramatically due to what is stuffed into them. A hazard to their backs.

Kevin and Jay hustled all the way. Moving at a brisk walk they formed a two-man swarm that efficiently attacked each pile of bags. The lighter bags they threw and the heavier ones they dragged over to the truck and heaved them in. It was strenuous work. They would continue until about 6 p.m.

Kevin proudly told me that he was a partial owner in the truck and collection license.

They’ll be back in a week for regular service and perhaps I’ll be able to pick up our conversation then.

We see these folks every day, driving their humpbacked trucks and picking up our trash. We include them into our busy routines without thinking about it. We separate recyclables from the trash and make certain that everything is ready for pick up on scheduled days.  During the spring, summer and fall we bundle our lawn waste in proscribed ways so that it can be removed and later mulched. On certain days, we put out old furniture and appliances out so that they can be hauled away and recycled.

Yet, what do we really know about these invisible people who are the muscle and blood of modern life?  It turns out, very little.

When I Was a Kid

At Christmas time, my mother would prepare a series of envelopes with a card and some money. These were for the invisible people who made our world better: newspaper boy, mailman, and the garbage man. My mother knew each of them by name and would talk to them when they came by. They were working people and they were respected in our house.

My folks believed that there was nobility in work. It didn’t matter what you did, so long as you tried your best, your work was important and deserved respect. If mother caught me slacking off or complaining about chores she would remind me of the garbage men and how their work required heavy lifting, working in all kinds of weather, and dealing with other folks waste. It was their job and they excelled at it without complaining.

My folks taught me that, inherent in the idea of respecting work, was the idea of equality. If I worked I was the equal to any other man regardless of their job, wealth or importance. I believe that still.


Today, the idea of egalitarianism born of work is derided and ridiculed. We live in a country that glorifies wealth and derides work. The people who hold our society together, the garbage men, mailmen, police, firemen, teachers, municipal workers and the vast numbers in the services industries are poorly paid and abused by the rest of society.

We have become a country of moneyed elites whose main goal appears to be to denigrate the rest of society while amassing vast wealth and power. Since when is the life of a hedge fund manager or banker more precious than that of a fireman or highway worker or teacher or a garbage man?

2019 – Winds of Change

Now in 2019, things are changing dramatically. People across the nation are beginning to resurrect the idea that cooperative action is necessary to improve our lot and the health of the nation.  There are old biases that need discarding.  One such bias is the snobbery some people who equate prestigious educations and having a Profession as a reason to feel more important than those with technical training, community college educations, or mastering a craft by self-educated. Working with your brain is somehow better than working with your hands. In return many people feel a bias against higher education as a sign of Elitist value. We have been divided into two suspicious camps.

In the last few decades we have learned differently. The fragmentation of workers into classes, Blue Collar and White, has reinforced these prejudices. All to the benefit of a small Elite and to the detriment of the the rest of us who keep this country afloat.

But that is changing. White Collar workers are discovering that they are like every other worker whether they use their hands and backs, teach our children, protect our lives and property. Just like the people who clean our hotels and homes, maintain our yards, and harvest our food.  Folks with college degrees are coming to realize that they work in White Collar Sweatshops.

Years ago, when I worked as a technical writer, I was in the heart of white collar exploitation. Occasionally I’d bring up the idea that a Union could champion our demand for economic respect. This was always laughed off as just another crazy lefty idea from me, The Grouser. They thought having a salary was better than an hourly wage. We had steady incomes while laborers where paid for the time of their effort.

White Collar folk work until the job was done, no matter how many hours it takes. It’s expected. For decades I worked 50+ hours a week, burned up Saturdays, spent my own money to learn new skills that made me more productive and creative. I benefited from learning new skills, but so did the company. And all the time my salary languished.  The big con was Stock Options. It was a form of Mr. Wimpy’s “I’d gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.” Options were worthless script, IOUs, that would only be paid if the company grew and prospered for its investors. It all depended on the leadership of the company. No matter what we’d do, it was out of our hands. We accepted it like the old gold miners who dreamed of finding the Mother Load. History shows us that for every miner who struck it rich, there were 1,000s who got little or nothing.

White Collar workers are coming to realize what Blue Collars have known for centuries, you can’t trust the Company because its purpose is to make money for other people. Labor is never paid what it’s worth, it would cut into the profits. Short-term planning was and is used to pump up stock values and justifying squeezing labor and suppliers more and more. If there are a few bad quarters, workers are discarded.

Today some companies are creating better work environments and paying better. But, in most cases, it’s a financial motivation the drives change. When today’s current labor shortages end or companies think that  they’ve hit a rough spot, the old habits will re-emerge. That’s how our economy is set up now.

But the Winds of Change are here. People who work and create things, most Americans, are fed up with getting shafted.

Kentucky miners have found that the Coal Companies aren’t expanding production or increasing wages. Instead they have withheld pensions and not paying back wages. The Elite use bankruptcy to dump debt and escape their responsibility to previous agreements. The process, stiff the miners, suppliers and the local communities. In most states, bankruptcy gets the companies off the hook of paying for their pollution cleanup, contamination of freshwater sources, and restoring what has been destroyed.

Over the last few years there has been a growing resistance. Teachers, miners and recently white collar engineers and software writers are organizing to fight the status quo. Reasons vary, pay equity, living wages, workplace safety, fighting climate change, and respect for their contribution to the economic well-being of the U.S.A. and the world. Labor is returning. Our fractured people are reconnecting to protect themselves from the greed of the Elite.

It is time that we restore the value that all work is worthy of respect and a living wage.


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