Storm Clouds

Seldom in history are villains unambiguously villains. History is full of extenuating circumstances, actions meant for the good that go bad, intentions misunderstood, or vilification by the victors who are the true culprits. However, today our villains are extraordinarily clear. There are many but I am focused on the most egregious. The fossil fuel industry and its allies in the Republican Party.

Climate change need not have happened. The fires, storms, floods, rising seas, and the mass extinctions we see all over the US and the world was 100% preventable. Indeed, the leadership at Exxon could have been hero’s but, instead, they consciously chose financial reward and power. A choice that they knew would lead to today’s catastrophe. And the Republican Party was fully engaged in this crime.

For a long time, scientists knew that certain gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) trapped heat and warmed the atmosphere.[i] [ii]

It was common knowledge that our climate changed over time, following cycles that were not clearly understood. Climate science was in its infancy. And then the first signals of global warming and climate change began to appear.

By the mid-1970s scientists began to suspect that something was amiss and began to investigate the effect of greenhouse gases, CO2 and CH4. To develop insight into what was happening, they developed climate modeling programs to calculate the effects of known atmospheric variables.  They received help from an unusual source, Exxon.

Scientists at Exxon, who were developing their own modeling programs, required comprehensive data about the climate. Their goal was to determine the impact of global warming on Exxon’s business and the company’s responsibility. To do this they needed to collect data globally. An Exxon super tanker was outfitted with a suite of monitoring devices that would gather data from all over the planet as the tanker made its rounds.

Even more unusual, Exxon shared its data with the emerging climate science community. In 1979, this openness earned a letter of praise, from the US Department of Energy. It highlighted the importance of Exxon’s efforts, “We are very pleased with Exxon’s research intentions related to the CO2 question. This represents very responsible action, which we hope will serve as a model of research contributions from the corporate sector.  This is truly a national and international service.” Exxon was the model of a good corporate citizen.

Climate modeling was in its infancy and there were many uncertainties about its results. Scientists around the world and at Exxon worked to fill in the gaps. The accumulating data reinforced reasons to be concerned about the quietly growing threat.

In 1980, Exxon scientists understood that as the growing amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere would significantly increase climate temperatures and the dangers it posed. Roger Cohen, the head of theoretical sciences at Exxon’s Corporate Research Laboratories, wrote an internal letter that candidly spoke about what the data showed, “There is unanimous agreement in the scientific community that a temperature increase of this magnitude would bring about significant changes in earth’s climate … including rainfall distribution and alterations in the biosphere.”[iii]  

Cohen acknowledged that this information could be harmful to Exxon but, to his credit, recommended, “…our ethical responsibility is to permit the publication of our research in the scientific literature,” Cohen warned, “…to do otherwise would be a breach of Exxon’s public position and ethical credo on honesty and integrity.” To their credit, Exxon allowed the data to be published.

Knowledge is value neutral. It is how you use what you know that matters: hero or villain. Tragically, Exxon chose villain. The openness that Exxon had shown came to an end. While Exxon’s science was laudable it was secondary to the purpose of the research. What impact would greenhouse gases and global warming have on Exxon the business. This is where Exxon’s leadership went to the dark side. 

The science told them that the only way to deal with the ever-growing dangers of climate change was to stop burning fossil fuels. But this would lead to the end of pumping oil and gas.  Exxon would need to leave its vast oil and gas reserves in the ground, stranding upwards to one trillion dollars (2021 value) in the ground.

Exxon’s research and resultant knowledge put them in an enviable position. They could diversify, focusing on the obvious fields of alternative energy production, carbon mitigation, and more efficient forms transportation, using their close connections with the auto industry. Or they could continue business as usual for as long as possible. To do that though, would require denying that there was a threat and then, as public awareness of the looming catastrophe grew, staling any resulting restrictive legislation.  

In 1988, the New York Times published the article “Global Warming Has Begun, Expert Tells Senate.” The article contained the Senate testimony of noted NASA Climate Scientist, James Hansen. Exxon had already buried its research, let go most of its climate science staff as a cost saving measure, and begun a disinformation campaign. Now, Exxon went full-in by increasing its disinformation, recruiting the American Petroleum Institute and right-wing think-tanks to challenge climate science, insisting that the science was too uncertain to be justify cutting fossil fuel emissions. Exxon also founded the Global Climate Coalition, whose members were some of the world’s largest businesses. They all shared the same goal, to stifle any government action that would reduce fossil fuel and reduce profits. Climate Denial was born.

The Republican’s pro-business philosophy made them sympathetic towards the Global Climate Coalition. The Climate Deniers had/have deep pockets and politicians in both parties benefited. But it was the Republicans, as a party, who embraced the lies and enthusiastically spread disinformation that blocked needed legislation.

That was over 40 years ago, when pro-climate legislation could have made a difference. Back then, reducing CO2 could have been done incrementally and would have given people and businesses adequate time to convert to alternative, non-polluting, energy sources. Indeed, alternative energy research and development would have advanced more quickly because there would have been broad public and government support. At that time, any action would have had long-lasting positive effects.

Had we been able to act then, the pall of smoke from forest fires in the West would not now blanket a broad swath of the US, from sea to shining sea. There would still be ice in the Arctic and the jet stream would have continued its ancient course, sparing us the calamity we’ve been experiencing. Had Exxon kept to its original ethical path, our seas would not be warming, acidifying, and rising. Had there not been climate denial, we would have avoided decades of super storms and super fires, a trillion dollars in damages, and the dislocation of 100,000s of Americans who lost their homes and jobs.

Seldom in history are villains unambiguously villains. Today the perpetrators are unmistakable. Their actions are so vile, that a new crime, Ecocide, has been proposed. On par with genocide, Ecocide is defined as the “unlawful or wanton acts committed with knowledge that there is a substantial likelihood of severe and widespread or long-term damage to the environment being caused by those acts.” It will take time for the international effort to codify these new laws. But once in place, we will see trials similar to those at Nuremberg, when Nazis were held accountable for genocide.

Now when we watch the news, we have a word for what we see, Ecocide. And we can easily identify the criminals.

It is not unreasonable to suggest that Trump’s climb to power, today’s traitorous Republican Party, and the tragedy of COVID pandemic are the logical extensions of Climate Denial’s Big Lie. They built a deadly false reality that they spread using the same propagandists, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and others, that we are afflicted with today.

It is time to put these toxic forces where they belong, back in the ground alongside the oil, gas, and coal.


My primary source is Inside Climate News ( who was first to provide comprehensive investigative reporting on Exxon’s roll in our climate change disaster. ICN is one of the best sources for fact-based information on our climate and environment.

[i] In 1896, the Swedish scientist, Svante Arrhenius, published the paper, On the Influence of Carbonic Acid in the Air upon the Temperature of the Earth, where he explained how the amount of CO2 in the air effected the temperature of the atmosphere. He included in his paper the work of another scientist, Arvid Högbom, who had researched the Carbon Cycle and identified, then quantified sources of carbon in the atmosphere. Carbon contributed by humans was calculated to be about equal to that produced by Nature. Arrhenius calculated that eventually this increase in greenhouse gases and the resulting temperature rise would become a problem. However, he did not see this as an immediate threat, because at the rate of carbon increase was so low that it would take thousands of years to reach criticality. Arrhenius had little way of knowing how rapidly industry would expand or the explosive growth in new uses for fossil fuels.     

[ii] In 1965 President Johnson received a warning from his Science Advisory Council. They stated that if we continued burning fossil fuels, the carbon released, “… may be sufficient to produce measurable and perhaps marked changes in the climate” by 2000.

[iii] These temperatures have been verified to be the tipping points upon which our survival as a society and a species depend. The lower point, 1.5°C (2.5°F), is where irreversible damage is done but the climate can find a new survivable but violent balance.  At the upper point, 3°C (5°F), it is possible that we will have passed a point of no return, in which the climate enters a closed-loop cycle that is not reversable and will raise temperatures until the earth is uninhabitable.

About the Image
The image is a composite, the sky and flag are individual images covered by Creative Commons usage. I manipulated both images and color corrected so that they would work together.

The Flag is by Mike Mozart, JeepersMedia, CC-BY.
The sky is by Fractal Artists, CC-BY.
The image above, Stormy Skies, is mine, CC-BY.

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The Cornered Beast

Enemy of Democracy

Later today the previous President and current Traitor, will hold a rally in Lorain, Ohio, a small town in northeastern Ohio, along the shores of Lake Erie. It is the kick-off of the Traitor’s run for re-election in 2024. This is a tacit acknowledgement that he did loose in 2020, though the Big Lie will be his message.

However, there is something else going on. Ever since the January 6th attack on the Capital, pressures have been increasing on the Traitor, his family, associates, and the Republican Party.  In the coming weeks some of these people are likely to be charged with criminal activities, both financial and political. In the past, when pressure was applied to him, the Traitor reacted with a malicious contempt for our laws, constitution, and democracy, resulting in deadly consequences. The number of hate crimes, violence and deaths has steadily increased since he was elected in 2016.  

Like a cornered beast, desperation drives the Traitor and Republicans to ever more extreme and destructive actions. They are, as Ezra Klein has written, “… Setting Off a ‘Doom Loop’ for Democracy.”  Even if defeated in the short-term, they have infected our nation with long-term doubt that they can use for decades to come.

Just a few weeks ago, the media was wrapped around the axle because of statements made by the Traitor and his minions that he will be reinstated as President in August. But, there is no legal mechanism to do so. This is not a problem for the Traitor. In the past he has justified his illegal acts with a blizzard of lies and then ignored the fallout. He could do this because the Senate was controlled by Republicans lead by Mitch McConnell. They blocked any attempt to hold him accountable. Even now, with the Senate evenly split, McConnell is still able to exercise enough power to stymie many Democratic bills. Bills  that are popular with a large bipartisan majority of Americans.

Audacity is the Traitor’s hallmark. His congressional foot soldiers have shown complete submission to his authority. Thus, nothing is out of the question as to what happens next.

There is nothing to stop the Traitor or the Republicans from convening an insurrectionist convention to declare the Traitor President and form an ad hoc counter government.  Attended by current and former US Representatives, Senators, state Governors and Legislators, etc. they could gather to formally proclaim an alternate government based on the Big Lie; the Traitor lost the election due to voter fraud.

Couldn’t happen? It did on February 4, 1861, when US Congressmen representing the slave states gathered to form a Provisional Congress of the Confederate States of America. For a short time, these congressmen held seats in both governments until expelled from the US Congress.  There is nothing to stop today’s insurrectionist congresspeople from doing something similar. For instance, they could gather somewhere, such as, Montgomery, Alabama, the home of the Confederate Congress. They could declare that the Traitor is still President and demand that he be “reinstated.” This would appear to further legitimize his claims, while stoking greater outrage among the base. Also, it would further justify the need for violence to reinstall the Traitor.

Successful rebellions require that there be a quasi-government providing command and control of rebel forces in the field, spies, and saboteurs. This insurrectionist government would keep its civilian base mesmerized using lies, chaos, and the other distractions we are familiar with. 

What is today’s rally a prelude to? We will hear the typical inflammatory, dehumanizing, racist, bombast that the Traitor’s base enthusiastically consumes. We will probably hear new memes that will set the stage for further insurrectionist actions. What can we expect afterwards? I am certain that future holds; obstruction, threats, more attacks against voting, increased violence against people of color, LGBTQ, political opponents, and lies, lots of lies.

The Cornered Beast is about to take the stage.

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Rose With Bee

Rose With Bee

Even with reasonable people in the White House the enemy relentlessly bullies, threatens and intimidates. At this precious moment in which we could be making historic changes to improve every American’s quality of life a couple of Democrats still find ways to smother our bright future.

For the last three months writing has been wearisome. Trying to respond to other people’s insanity in an empathetic understanding manner is difficult, particularly when their goals focus on tormenting the ill, children, old, poor and powerless. It’s the American Way and I’m sick of it.

I have written about this growing threat for years and now it’s here and I don’t have a lot to say. Our future is not a mystery, it is clearly laid out in our recent history and events. I’ve heard enough from the those whose dystopian delusions enslave their minds and turn them against life. They don’t see that they are doomed by their thoughts and actions. This forces the rest of us to protect our ourselves and our common good. In so doing, we protect them from their own worse inclinations.

Rose with Bee is my response to the criminal insanity ravaging or nation. Life affirmed is life defended. Our future is still ours provided we stick together. We have an enemy far greater than any little disagreements we have among ourselves.

There can be no doubt, that no other generation has faced what we do. This is the time to grow and become greater human beings, more humane, thoughtful, more willing to work for humanity’s common good .

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Memorial Day 2021: What Did They Die For?

Another day of remembrance. Another day when Americans traditionally pause to reflect on the military history of the United States and the sacrifices made to keep us the “land of the free and home of the brave.”  This Memorial Day, more than any other, Americans need to ask themselves, “What did they die for?”

Memorial Day demands honesty. Honesty demands truth. Truth demands courage. Does America still have what it takes to be honest on this special day or in the troubled days ahead?

At this moment, we are sleepwalking towards Civil War. Can honesty, truth, and courage save us from ourselves? I do not know.

What I do know is that according to recent polls, about 15% of Americans old enough to vote, believe completely in the Big Lie; Trump lost the election due to voter fraud. That is roughly, 38,000,000 people. History warns us that a successful rebellion only needs 15% of a population. That is because most people choose to keep their heads down and watch events unfold rather than get involved. This allows a small minority to prevail. Sometimes that is a good thing, like the American Revolution, but more often terrible, Nazis in Germany and Communists in Russia and China.

That is where we are now. Do we fight for our Constitution and Democracy or do we sit by and let the totalitarians transform the United States into another failed state with its citizens little more than 21st century peasants?

On this Memorial Day, we must reflect on Honesty, Truth and Courage. Do we have the courage to accept the truth that there is a dangerous segment of our population that poses an imminent threat to our Constitution, Democracy, and Homeland? Do we gaze out over the endless rows of tombstones and allow all the suffering and death to be relegated to meaningless sacrifice? 

Do we have the courage to be honest with ourselves? We have been and remain complacent as our enemies, domestic and foreign, mount attack after attack against us. If we are honest with ourselves, we understand that we are already at war with Russia. All that is missing is a formal declaration.

Likewise, if we are honest, we must acknowledge that we are already engaged in a civil war and have been for decades. Under the guise of state’s rights, freedom of religion, and the Second Amendment our enemies have steadily undermined the institutions we depend on to maintain and promote our individual freedoms and well-being. Now, our legislatures are corrupted by traitors, our courts contaminated by authoritarians, our economy held thrall by a greedy handful of oligarchs, and our social fabric torn to shreds by people who have been carefully indoctrinated into a delusional world view where honesty and truth are considered enemies.

The power of these lies is immense. About 15% of Americans fully believe the QAnon conspiracy fantasies that our nation is run by a cabal of Satan worshiping pedophiles and that the former president was cheated in the 2020 election. There are as many QAnon followers as there are members of many smaller religious sects and faiths. And QAnon believers are as fierce in their beliefs as any religious follower.

That is what we face during this Memorial Day weekend and well into the future. We are engaged in an existential struggle both domestically and internationally. Do we have the honesty and courage to act on the truth facing us?

We are at a serious disadvantage. Most of us have honored the ideals of religious tolerance and freedom of expression. Over many years, we have allowed bigotry to spread when it is portrayed as faith. We have refrained from limiting the hateful lies and conspiracy theories that our enemies spread because we do not want to undermine freedom of speech upon which all our freedoms depend.

Instead, we have believed that people who threaten our society can be convinced, peacefully, by example and reason, to change their ways. We believed, wrongly, that given time these hateful behaviors would cease as the benefits of our democracy’s fairness and openness would allow people to see the error of their ways.

Instead, our enemies have used the key elements of our democracy to attack us. We mistakenly believed that Republicans approached governance with the same goodwill and faith in the rules as demonstrated by Democrats and Independents. At one time that may have been the case. However, in the last 50 years the Republican Party has patiently developed and implemented plans to turn the United States into a single-party system that represents the interests of a wealthy elite at the expense of everyone else. Also, in the past six years, the Republicans have aligned themselves with Russian interests, sabotaging our national security. They have become not just autocrats but traitors as well.

On this Memorial Day we have much to consider. We are already engaged in a second American Civil War, as well as an international war with Russia. We are being attacked and must mount a vigorous counterattack. There is no time for complacency or equivocation. There is no point in wishful thinking that our enemies will come to their senses on their own. They are fanatics enraged by conspiracy theories and lies.

What do we do? It begins with becoming more active in local, state, and federal politics. Our representatives need our moral, financial, and physical support. Next, to avoid being misled, we must exercise critical thinking when evaluating information and news. Then, we need to learn what psychological weapons are being used against us, how we can identify when they are employed, and how to counter them. In addition, we can make our voices and presence known through letters of the editor, social media, and peaceful picketing and demonstrating. Also act when you see injustice, do not allow bullying or threats to go unanswered. And remember that while our enemies are loud and aggressive there are far more of us than them. If we are determined and unflinching our enemies will fail.

In the future, on Memorial Day, should someone ask, “What did they die for?” I hope that we can honestly reply, “They died so that all Americans can live free, in peace, and able to follow our dreams.”

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Billie Holiday and the Tragic Song, Strange Fruit

Billy Holiday
Photograph from Downbeat Magazine February 1947
Courtesy William P. Gottlieb Collection (Library of Congress)

On a cold March night in 1939, an unusual audience gathered at the club, Cafe Society, a new jazz club on West 4th Street in Greenwich Village, New York City. They came because Café Society was an unusual club. It was the first racially integrated night club in the nation. Its owner, Barney Josephson, was an unusual man himself. When he had been in Europe he had been impressed by the political cabarets. They were alive with music and social freedom. But in the US, Jim Crow ruled and nothing like them existed. Josephson said about his club, “I wanted a club where blacks and whites worked together behind the footlights and sat together out front… there wasn’t, so far as I know, a place like it in New York or in the whole country.”

Josephson created such a place, Café Society, which he advertised as, “The Wrong Place for the Right People.” He abhorred the pretenses of the rich and named the club Café Society to taunt Clare Boothe Luce, a noted author and conservative who had coined the term to reference the wealthy and trendy. It was this club and that had people queued up to hear the unusually gifted Billie Holiday sing.

By the end of the evening, they would be stunned. black members of the audience were deeply moved, and whites were deeply troubled. Holiday’s last song of the night, Strange Fruit, delivered in her unique style would spread from the club to across the nation and the world. Now, Strange Fruit is recognized as the first anthem of the modern Civil Rights Movement. During her life, Billie Holiday was its voice.

On that evening in 1939, three unusual lives came together to create a flame that remains bright today; Billie Holiday, Barney Josephson, and the poet and composer who wrote Strange Fruit, Abel Meeropol. Holiday knew the power of the of the song’s lyrics. That evening she intended for the audience to feel it too. She arranged with the staff to cease service before her last song. There would be silence. She had told the lighting man to turn off all of the club’s lights and focus a single spot on her face. The club became dark and foreboding. All eyes were drawn to her expressive face. She then sang.

Southern trees bear strange fruit
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root
Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.

Pastoral scene of the gallant south
The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth
Scent of magnolias, sweet and fresh
Then the sudden smell of burning flesh.

Here is a fruit for the crows to pluck
For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck
For the sun to rot, for the trees to drop
Here is a strange and bitter crop.

At the end of the song, Holiday left the stage and a silent audience. She did not do an encore. After that, Holiday sang this song at the end every performance, in the dark, with a single spotlight. And those future audiences would react as the first had; blacks inspired to action, and whites disturbed by the truth. Abel Meeropol, the author of the song, said, “She gave a startling, most dramatic and effective interpretation of the song which could jolt the audience out of its complacency anywhere.”

Strange Fruit foreshadowed the rest of Holiday’s life and her early death.

Billie Holiday was born as Eleanora Fagan Gough on April 4th, 1915 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her mother, Sadie, was 19 years old and single. It is believed that her father was 16-year-old Clarence Halliday. He was an aspiring musician who would later become a successful jazz rhythm guitarist and would play with noted jazz musicians such the Fletcher Henderson Orchestra and musicians Charlie Turner and Louis Metcalf. During this period, he changed his name from Halliday to Holiday. As a father, Clarence was not successful. He was absent from Eleanora’s life, rarely visiting her mother or her.

At an early age, Eleanora and her mother moved to Baltimore where she would live until she was 15. But life was not easy. Because of poverty, Eleanora was occasionally sent to live with other people until her mother could afford to keep her. At age 9, Eleanora began to cut classes which landed her in The House of The Good Shepard, a home for troubled African American girls. She returned home after about 8 months, only to return at age 10, after being sexually assaulted.

Eleanora found comfort in music. Baltimore had a thriving jazz culture which became a powerful influence on her. As a child she had loved to sing and as she grew older her passion grew too. She listened to blues and jazz records, particularly blues singer Bessie Smith, whose powerful voice and gritty manner earned her the title “Empress Of The Blues”.  Eleanora sang along with the records. At her young age, she felt the blues deeply and needed to give voice to them.

In 1929, the Great Depression forced Eleanora’s mother to move them to New York City in search of work. This was a fateful move and a pivotal time.

New York City was the beating heart of African American culture. It had begun around 1910 when there was a labor shortage and northern businesses sent recruiters to the South to find labor. This created the Great Migration as hundreds of thousands of African Americans moved North. In New York City, the neighborhood of Harlem became the place to move to. Harlem, in the 1880s had been an upper-class white neighborhood but by 1900s it was over developed, and landlords were desperate to find tenants. The Great Migration provided the solution. Harlem became a thriving community and the center of African American culture. This became the period of the Harlem Renaissance, a historic time when all aspects of African American culture thrived. A Black Pride Movement evolved. Led by W.E.B Du Bois and others, the goal was to ensure that black actors, artists, musicians, dancers, writers, and others, received full credit for their efforts and in turn acknowledgement of African American culture. This led to some white America starting to appreciate the cultural contributions of black Americans.  The Great Depression was the beginning of the end for the Harlem Renaissance. It lingered for another decade, but as work disappeared so too did the black and white patrons that supported it.

It is that world that Eleanora entered. She was drawn to the small Harlem jazz clubs. In 1931, Eleanora, who had been working as a maid, decided to quit and devote herself to performing in the clubs. At first, she worked as a dancer. But one evening, she was asked to sing, and her career was born. Her earnings were small, her share of the combined tips the performers received. She had become a member of the Harlem Renaissance which would eventually evolve into the Swing Era.  At this time, Eleanora decided that she needed a stage name. She chose Billie from the popular actress Billie Dove, and Holiday from her father. It was a quiet nod to the father that was seldom there.  

Billie Holiday’s climb to fame and notoriety was because of her haunting voice and unique phrasing. Even though she was not technically trained and unable to read sheet music she gained attention and in 1933 began recording with the soon to be famous Benny Goodman. In 1936 Billie began collaborating with famed saxophonist Lester Young. Sound wise they were uniquely matched. They shared songs, switching back and forth from voice to sax. They became close friends and for a while lived together with her mother. It was Young who christened Billie, Lady Day, the name she is often remembered by today.

In 1937, Clarence Holiday died. While on tour in Texas, he developed a lung infection. The local white hospital would not admit him. Because Clarence was a World War 1 veteran, and his lungs had been damaged by mustard gas, he was able to enter the local Veterans Hospital. However, it was segregated, and he was placed in the Jim Crow ward where black veterans received poorer treatment than whites. Clarence quickly developed pneumonia and died. He was 39 years old.

When, on that evening in March 1939, with the room dark and Billie Holiday illuminated by a single spotlight, it was her father she thought of as she sang those wrenching words. Years later, in her autobiography, “Lady Sings the Blues” she would say, “It reminds me of how Pop died … But I have to keep singing it, not only because people ask for it, but because twenty years after Pop died, the things that killed him are still happening in the South.” He may not have been lynched but racism had killed him none the less.

Abel Meeropol
Author and Composer of Strange Fruit

Strange Fruit began life as the poem Bitter Fruit. It was written by Abel Meeropol, an unusual man. His parents were immigrants, Russian Jews, who had settled in the Bronx. It was there that Abel was born in 1903. He was an avid learner and graduated from De Witt Clinton High School. De Witt was an unusual school that produced a list of storied alumnae; James Baldwin, Countee Cullen, Richard Rodgers, Burt Lancaster, Stan Lee, Neil Simon, Richard Avedon and Ralph Lauren. After getting a B.A from City College NY, and a M.A. from Harvard, Meeropol returned to De Witt, to teach for 17 years. One of his students was James Baldwin. Throughout his life he was active in civil rights and social justice movements.

Meeropol wrote the poem, Bitter Fruit in response to a photograph on a postcard. It showed the 1930 lynching of two black teenagers, Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith. It was a dark August night in Marion Indiana and two battered black bodies hung from ropes strung from a massive tree. Beneath them a crowd of white people had gathered. Men, women, and children stood looking at the tree’s strange fruit. These people did not look upset or disturbed, some smiled. Meeropol said that the image had, “haunted him for days.”

Meeropol’s Dark Inspiration

Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith, accused of murder and rape, then lynched.
No one knows the truth.
Photograph by Lawrence Beitler

Nine years earlier, 0n August 6, 1930, three black teenagers were jailed in Marion, Indiana. Tom Shipp, Abe Smith, and James Cameron had been arrested for shooting a white man, Claude Deeter, and raping his companion, Mary Ball. Deeter lingered for a day and during that time the news of the crimes swept through Indiana. Thousands from across the state converged on Marion and joined the crowd of locals who had gathered in the main square. Their mood was ugly, and a lynching was in the air.

However, not everyone in the crowd was there for violence. In later newspaper accounts it was noted that many were weeping and arguing against violence. The head of the Indiana NAACP, Katherine “Flossie” Bailey, lived in Marion, she saw what was happening and tried to intervene. She called the Sheriff, Jacob Campbell, and warned him that a mob was forming and would be coming to the jail.

When Deeter died someone waved his bloody shirt from a window of the Marion City building. This triggered the mob’s march on the jail. Sheriff Campbell was unable or unwilling to move the three teenagers to another town. But He had called in his deputies as reinforcements. However, after a short skirmish, the mob stormed the jail and dragged out the terrified teenagers one by one. Smith and then Shipp were beaten and then hung. Cameron was last and was beaten severely. Just as he was to be hung, someone in the crowd yelled that he was innocent, and he was released. He would later serve four years in jail for his involvement in the crimes. After a time, Mary Ball recanted her story of being raped.

After the lynching, a local photographer, Lawrence Beitler, was called over to photograph the mutilated bodies, slowly swaying at the ends of their ropes.  At the time, lynching photos displayed in newspapers and were often printed on postcards. Abel Meeropol had seen such a card.

After about a year, Meeropol set his poem to the music he had composed, and named the song, Strange Fruit. He had heard Billie Holiday sing and had written it with her in mind. Meeropol went to Café Society and played the song for Barney Josephson, knowing that he knew Holiday. Josephson agreed that Billie should sing it and introduced her to Meeropol and his song.

After that fateful night in 1939, Billie Holiday went to Columbia Records, with whom she had just released her immortal song, God Bless the Child. She tried to get the company to record Strange Fruit, but Columbia would not allow it. The song was “too controversial.”  Billie then went to Commodore recording. They agreed and within a short time the nation was listening to Billie Holiday’s Strange Fruit. It was embraced by black Americans and civil rights activists. History would note that Strange Fruit was the first anthem of the Civil Rights Movement and Holiday was its voice.

Billie’s career continued to soar as she recorded other blues classics such as “T’ain’t Nobody’s Business If I Do” and “My Man”. By the late 1940s she was a star with jazz and popular music audiences.  However, throughout her career, Billie had been outspoken about White Supremacy and was not afraid to call it out. She knew the danger she was in.

One audience member reported that, “At the end of Holiday’s performance, audience members would applaud until their hands hurt, while those less sympathetic would bitterly walk out the door.” Even though celebrated and adored by black Americans, activists, music lovers, a backlash was inevitable. Editorials in local and national papers attacked the song and the singer. Strange Fruit was blacklisted, and radio stations refused to play it.

Today we understand how her hard childhood and years of discrimination put her at risk for substance abuse. In 1941, Billie married James Monroe. Monroe, like many men in her life, exploited her for his own gain. Monroe drank and smoked opium and, not caring about the damage it would do, introduced the poppy to Billie. In 1945 her mother Sadie died. Billie’s reaction was to turn from opium to heroin for comfort. This was the weakness that her enemy, Harry Anslinger, the new Commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, was looking for.

Anslinger, was known as a virulent racist. He felt that narcotics made black people less willing to conform to their second-class status in America. He also believed that musicians who smoked marijuana created Satanic music. In 1946, he issued an order, forbidding Billie to perform Strange Fruit. She ignored him. Infuriated, he decided to destroy her. Using his authority and the agents under him, Anslinger began his vendetta.

In 1947, Anslinger set up a sting operation. His agents sold heroine to Holiday and then arrested her for use. Holiday was tried and given an 18-month prison sentence. When Billie wass released in 1948, Anslinger persuades federal authorities to deny reissuing Billie a cabaret performers license. In one stroke he ended Billie’s nightclub career. She loved performing in nightclubs and this was a terrible blow. Yet, she remained determined to continue singing and turned to concerts. Even though her concerts were sold out successes, Billie slipped deeper into the drug addiction.

The following years saw more successes for Billie. She continued to record, despite her deteriorating health and voice. In 1954, Billie went on a tour to Europe where she was met with acclaim. Sadly, her health worsened and her career began to faulter.

Billie Holiday gave her last performance in her beloved New York City, on May 25, 1959. A few days later, an exhausted and shriveled Holiday checked herself into New York City Hospital. She was seriously ill from her years of hard living. Her career was in shambles and her once brilliant voice had become a ghostly shadow of itself. The doctors immediately began giving her methadone to ease her withdrawal from heroin and treated her other maladies. Over time, she began to show signs of improvement and began gaining weight. All this time her friends had been visiting her and her room was decorated with flowers and messages of love. She knew how vulnerable she was and how vindictive Anslinger could be. Billie repeatedly told the hospital staff that “they are going to kill me.”

She was right. When hearing of Holiday’s hospitalization, Anslinger put into motion his revenge. He sent agents to the hospital where they planted heroin in her room, discovered it, and arrested her. They then handcuffed Billie to her bed. The agents then ordered the doctors to discontinue all treatments. Lying in painful position because of the handcuffs, alone, and surrounded by her enemies, Billie Holiday died a few days later.

Billie Holiday had become another victim of racist violence. It could be said that she took her place beside her father, Tom Shipp, and Abe Smith. Strange Fruit hanging from a poplar tree.

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The Acquittal of Donald J Trump and What It Tells Us

The Impeachment Trial of Donald J. Trump, former President of the United States has ended. He was acquitted, even though a majority of the Senators voted Guilty: 57 – 43. The minimum of guilty votes need was 67, which did not happen.  This trial will be taught and read about for centuries. The House Managers’ clearly made their case. It was concise, clearly stated the facts, provided ample audio and video evidence to support their charges, and delivered solid pre-rebuttals to the arguments Trump’s lawyers were likely and did present. The Prosecution’s case was so strong that they used less than two-thirds of their allotted time.

The theme of their last day and summation was chilling. Just because the violence at the Capitol is over the threat has not diminished. The entire nation is facing a long-term danger from nationalist militias and many Trump supporters. The Prosecution stated, wisely, that if Trump is not found guilty and disqualified from holding any public office again, it will set a precedent where future presidents cannot be held accountable for any crimes that they commit during the last month or two of their presidencies when there might not be enough time to complete an impeachment and trial. And, frighteningly, leaves Trump able to run for office again which would give him another four years to finish installing a one-party system and his self-serving dictatorship. 

In turn, the Defense was a blizzard of lies, previously dealt with and discounted procedural issues, distractions, and “what-about” false equivalency arguments that they used to try to equate Trump’s actions and words to those of Democrats during last summer’s protests over police killings. Little to none of the Defenses’ presentation was germane to the charges. They did not challenge the evidence, they ignored it and continued to support the Big Lie that had led to the attack on the Capitol.

When the time came to cast a vote, Yea/Nay, the Republicans Nayed, being unable to bring themselves to do the right thing. After the last four years, the first impeachment trial last year, and now this trial, a significant number of Republican officials have shown that they are more concerned about their power than democracy and fearful of their own militant constituency. They are either insurrectionists or supporters.

Only 7 of the 50 Republicans stood up for our Constitution and Rule of Law. They took a courageous stand, knowing what fearsome opposition, and possible danger, they face in their home districts. History will note that they came late to their decisions, having spent the last 4 years incapable of standing up to their peers or Trump. Yet, they deserve credit for their votes at the time they were needed most.

The Defenses’ smokescreen of distraction, misdirection, and false equivalency will work for many Trump supporters, providing Republican Senators political cover for their seditious votes. Many Republican Congress-people have chosen to continue to kowtow to Trump. But why? A recent poll by the conservative American Enterprise Institute’s Survey Center on American Life provides some insights.

A record number of Americans voted in November. Of the 239 million Americans eligible to vote, 159 million, 66.3%), went to the polls in November. This was the highest percentage since 1900. It was an important election but, surprisingly, the poll found that ”… relatively few Americans believe the 2020 presidential election was the most important election in their lifetime. Overall, 28 percent of Americans believe the 2020 election was the single most important contest in their lifetime. Thirty-eight percent say it was more important than other recent elections, but not the most important. Twenty-eight percent believe it is no more important than other elections, and 4 percent say it is less important than most other elections.” How important the election was depended on party, “There is a yawning partisan divide in views about how important the 2020 presidential election was compared to other recent elections. Close to half (46 percent) of Democrats believe the 2020 presidential election was the most important of their lifetime, a view shared by only 26 percent of Republicans.

However, this is challenged by a Pew Research report that, of all eligible voters, 83% believed that who became President “really mattered”, but only 16% believed that “things would remain basically the same.

While 65% of Americans believed the election was legitimate; Democrats (98%) and Independents (73%). The survey did not report the number of Republicans who believed that the election was legitimate. However, it did say that “Nearly two in three (66 percent) of Republicans say Biden’s election win was not legitimate.”  However, the issue of the election’s legitimacy has divided Republicans. It said, “There are stark divisions by education level among Republicans. Three-quarters of Republicans who do not have a four-year college degree challenge the legitimacy of Biden’s election, while college-educated Republicans are divided, with roughly as many accepting the legitimacy of Biden’s win as denying it (50 percent vs. 48 percent).” 

Voter fraud is another issue that isolates Republicans from the rest of America. A majority of Americans (52%) rejected the unsupported claim and only (29%) believe that fraud was widespread. The poll reported, “Nearly two-thirds (65 percent) of Republicans believe in widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election, a view shared by only 22 percent of independents and 2 percent of Democrats. A majority of Democrats (88 percent) and independents (56 percent) say there was not widespread voter fraud, as do 23 percent of Republicans.

How do Democrats and Republicans feel about the election’s outcome?  A majority of Americans (51%) reported that they had positive feelings about Biden’s election; Democrats (94%) and Republicans (10%). On the other hand, nearly 75% of Republicans had negative feelings; frightened (41%), disappointed (26%), and angry (6%). 

What did the survey find concerning Trump’s relationship with the Republican Party? “Nearly eight in 10 (79 percent) Republicans have a favorable opinion of Trump, while one in five (20 percent) view the former GOP president negatively. In contrast, a majority of Democrats (95 percent) and independents (63 percent) have a negative view of Trump.

Where do Republican’s loyalties lie? The poll provided some positive information, “Sixty-three percent of self-identified Republicans say they consider themselves to be more of a supporter of the Republican Party rather than a supporter of Trump (63 percent vs. 37 percent). This represents a sharp shift from the fall, when polls suggested that Republicans were more committed to supporting Trump than the party.” Also “Trump’s position is stronger among his voters, but even among this group, more identify with the GOP than with him personally. Among voters who supported Trump in the 2020 election, more than half (53 percent) say they view themselves as a Republican Party supporter rather than a Trump supporter, while less than half report that they consider themselves a Trump supporter (47 percent).

What do Americans think about Trump’s involvement in the attack on the Capitol? The poll states that 48% of Americans believe that Trump is responsible for the attack, 36% disagree, and 14% are unsure. A bipartisan group feel that Trump is responsible; 87% of Democrats and 15% of Republicans. Most Republicans (74%) do not believe or are unsure that Trump is responsible for the attack.

How do Americans feel about conducting investigations into Trump’s potential crimes? According to the poll, “A majority (55 percent) of Americans say it would be a good idea for federal and state authorities to investigate potential crimes Trump may have committed while president, including a majority of Democrats (93 percent) and independents (58 percent). Less than half (42 percent) of Americans—and the overwhelming majority of Republicans (82 percent)—say this would be a bad idea.

What does the future hold? The poll reported that most Americans (69%), believe that our democracy is failing to focus on the concerns of everyday people and, instead, it is catering to the wealthy and powerful. Both Democrats (70%) and Republicans (66%) are skeptical of the motives of our elected officials. About 48% of Americans believe that the government is stacked against conservatives and people with “traditional values.” Republicans (79%), Independents (46%), and Democrats (27%) agree. A similar number of Americans (47%) reject it.

To determine how Americans feel about violence the poll stated, “The traditional American way of life is disappearing so fast that we may have to use force to save it.” This is rejected by 60% of Americans. However, 29% of Americans agreed with, “If elected leaders will not protect America, the people must do it themselves even if it requires taking violent actions.” Most Americans (68%) reject this. The degree of support for violence depends on the political party; Republicans (55%), Independents (31%), and Democrats (17%). The poll pointed out, “However, although a significant number of Americans—and Republicans in particular—express support for the idea that violent actions may be necessary, there is a notable lack of enthusiastic support for it. For instance, only 9 percent of Americans overall and only 13 percent of Republicans say they “completely” agree in the necessity of taking violent actions if political leaders fail.

The results of the American Enterprise Institute poll show that most Americans (65%) agree that the election is legitimate, and that that 51% have positive feelings towards Biden’s election. But 75% of Republicans have negative feelings towards Biden. Of these, there is a core of Republicans (66%) who refuse to accept the election. They continue to embrace the myth that the election was stolen, even though no evidence has been produced to support this claim, recounts in several states determined that vote tallies were accurate, all 50 states certified the vote results, and the courts dismissed 61 suites filed by Trump to overturn voting in several states. Yet a majority of Republicans cling to the lie that Trump was cheated.

After the trial and Republican Senator McConnell’s critical remarks refuting voter fraud and the Big Lie, an analyst said that McConnell had “thrown the first handful of dirt on Trump’s political future”, suggesting it was dead. This was wishful thinking. While Trump’s support appears to be eroding there is still a powerful minority (47%) of those who voted for him that seem insulated from reality by the poisonous bubble manufactured by FOX and other seditious media sources. They pose the most serious threat for violence.

In addition, even though a bipartisan majority of Americans (69%) believe that our government is failing to address our needs, 60% of Americans reject violence as a response. And while 29% of Americans believe that violence maybe a legitimate response to protect the nation, only 9% of the public, “completely agree” including 13% of Republicans.

This is not a small number. In the last election, 159 million Americans voted. The real number is significant. If 9% of Americans completely agree with the using political violence to protect the nation, that equals over 14 million people. If 13% of the 74 million Republicans who voted, accept political violence as necessary, is equates to almost 10 million people.  To put this into perspective, the US military and the National Guard have a combined force of less than 2 million members. That is 1,300,000 active-duty and 440,000 National Guard reserve personnel.

And it remains that about 33% of eligible Americans, about 70 million people, did not participate in our democracy by voting. These disengaged citizens represent an unknown with considerable power should they become active. Considering that History is prologue and combined with the above data, it appears clear that we are in for a prolonged period of political conflict and, probably, violence.


After the ballots are counted: Conspiracies, political violence, and American exceptionalism, 02/11/2021, American Enterprise Institute (Copyrighted)

Election 2020: Voters Are Highly Engaged, but Nearly Half Expect To Have Difficulties Voting, 08/13/2020, Pew Research (Copyrighted)

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