Tag Archives: Resistance


Les Phillips

As the House votes on the impeachment of President Trump, I watch with sorrow, but not disbelief, the Republican Party, one by one, commit treason. Tonight, was absolutely the last moment that the Grand Old Party could attempt to redeem itself. But as I see the count come in, the Republicans, in lock-step, march off the moral cliff, and betray our nation. There can be no doubt that the Republican Party has sold out our country in a gamble for absolute power.

For over 40 years, the GOP has been steering in this direction. Reagan was the start. Newt Gingrich declared the intent with his plan for an American Century and a Contract With America. And, every year since then, regardless whether a Democratic or Republican administration, they have undermined our nation with policies that attacked the poor, people of color, the ill, elderly, the young, and democracy itself. They have purged millions of legitimate voters from voting lists across America. They severely limited access to voting polls in areas of where people of color and the poor live, and restricted length of time voting can occur. In some states they have gerrymandered the districts so that even a majority composed of Democrats still can not win the representation that they have fairly won.

The Supreme Court interfered in the 2000 election by imposing itself on Florida politics with the issue of “hanging chads” rather than allow the recount to continue to its end. Giving the election to George W Bush. The GOP perversion of law continued with their voting for Citizens United which allowed companies to be identified as individuals equal to to living human beings. Later, the Supreme Court would allow gerrymander as a “state issue” that made legal the devaluing of votes in districts considered enemies of the Republican Party.

At the same time, the GOP and their wealthy underwriters developed a massive propaganda machine, Fox News, as it’s primary instrument of disinformation and fear mongering. This network needed content, so they created “unbiased” or “bipartisan” think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation, American Enterprise Institute, Cato Institute and many more, both in the US and world-wide. All devoted to skewing facts to support ever more conservative ideas.

In 2016, with the help of the Russian government and oligarchs in the US, the Republican plan for domination of the US political system came close to success. Since then, using a pitiful, witless mobster wannabe, the shrewd leadership, a quiet cadre of some of America’s wealthiest citizens, and power hungry Republican stooges have been rushing to emasculate our government, for and by the people. Using propaganda and party policies to undermine faith in all of our American values and organizations.

Tonight, the GOP has ceased to be an American party. Top Republicans, party and elected officials at all levels in the US have had many chances to stand up for the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, Rule of Law, and Government by and for the people and they have failed miserably. Instead, they have chosen their own success and increased power over our nation and all citizens, including rank and file grass root supporters.

Tonight, the campaigns of lies, denial, vilification, and scapegoating have come to this. Treason. The GOP has lost its last chance to do the right thing. The Senate is locked down by people who put their faith in tyranny and will not do their sworn duty just as the House authoritarians ignored theirs.

The days between now and election Day next November are all that is left for the American People to unite and rise up as single voice, a clinched fist, to deny the Evil that is trying to turn us into slaves: like the Fascists in Germany and Italy, the Communists in Russia, and the Imperialists in Japan.

We have run out of time to to idly stand by and try to find common ground with those who have no intent but to dominate. Anything less than determined nation-wide, lawful resistance is appeasement. World War II tells us how that worked.

Our goal must be complete accountability for every official, party or elected or appointed, who has assisted in this attempt at a coup.

What happens to the rank and file supporters depends on them. If they are willing to live peacefully with the rest of us, then they are free to join the rest of us in making America a better society. If, however, citizens decide to use violence or oppress the rights of others, then they should be held accountable through Rule of Law.

We must act in accordance to our American values, legally and, where possible, compassion.

May the United States remain the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.